A New Five-Year Strategic plan (2014-2018) for CHMSC was developed by the cooperation of respective units of the four campuses in a two seperate planning sessions organized by the Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Unit of the College.  This activities aim to provide a roadmap on how institution’s success will be measured and achieved.


On February 7, 2013 FT personnel joined  other participants from other campuses on pre-strategic planning session held in the Audio-Visual Room of CHMSC-FT Campus. Action plan for 2013 was devised and presented. During this activity the College President message was focused on the four mandated functions of the College: Instruction, Research, Extension, and Production.


On April 16-19, 2013, the same group of personnel were directed to participate on a 4 day strategic planning seminar held in Mambukal Mountain Resort, Negros Occidental. During the activity, participants with the supervision of the NEDA experts identified the strength, weaknesses, threats and opportunities the institution have.  Subsequently, participants were grouped according to functions and were tasked to develop a five-year development plan based on the mandated functions of the college and the seven point agenda of the College President which is to  produce quality graduates through effective instruction; enrich curricular programs for sustainable development; improve capacity for research and extension programs; efficient use of resources, fiscal management and productivity; strengthen external linkages for productive collaboration; effective management and stewardship; and enhance positive corporate image. He envisioned CHMSC to be strategically and operationally excellent to meet the challenges of the knowledge economy.


Thus, to achieve the College MVGO, performance indicators was laid down by the College President using this equation “GCe = 4I+3R+2E+1P+Am”.  Green CHMSC Excels will be attained through its mandated functions and its gauges:  Instruction (student cohorts, accreditation, rating in the board examination, and the faculty profile); Research (number of research completed, presented and published/patented); Extension (number of beneficiaries and the impact of the extension program to the community); Production (income generated from projects/business enterprise); and Administration. Collaborative effort of each and every one are challenged to exercise best practices with core values of “ExCELS” which the President had given an acronym of Excellence, Commitment, Effectiveness, Leadership, and Student Centeredness. It is deemed true that by working this out as one family, CHMSC will be moving to the new level of excellence and service.