In Academic Year 2014 – 2015, the College Library introduced its Information Literacy Program labeled as the INFOFEED which aims to make every CHMSCian information literate and independent learner. INFOFEED was established on the four frames, namely Find, Engage, Empower and Develop (FEED). This user education program is consistent with the institutional mission statement and in concert with the goals and objectives of the library which is to promote consciousness about information system and processes, i.e. gathering, evaluating, and application of information, to all types of information-seekers. More so, this program purports to uphold the current service competencies of the library and to produce lifelong learners and critical thinkers, it is –a fundamental principle of higher education.

The Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education adopted by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Board on January 11, 2016, which envisions information literacy as extending the arc of learning throughout students’ academic careers and as converging with other academic and social learning goals, provides an expanded definition of information literacy to emphasize dynamism, flexibility, individual growth, and community learning. It defines information literacy as “the set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued, and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning” (

Information literacy is considered an essential element of lifelong learning. If one is information literate, he can manage to enable and improve himself to be more competent and fitted to the vigorous and constantly changing surrounding. However, the introduction and implementation of programs related to this should not be too demanding and complex rather should be interactive and fun. The College Library’s adoption of this desire of allowing its stakeholders acquire necessary information literacy is expressed through the establishment of the INFOFEED. The agenda from which this program of CHMSC – FT was based is embedded in the four (4) frames, namely Find, Engage, Empower and Develop.


The program aims to help Library clients identify the nature and scope of the information they need, select the most appropriate search tools and strategy, and determine where to fnd them among the online and physical resources maintained by the library.


The program aims to encourage Library clients to participate or become involved in the promotion of information literacy. They should appreciate the importance of information literacy and how this could guide them in the pursuit of lifelong learning.


The program aims to give Library clients control and confidence in determining, treating and applying the information they need. Empowering the information seekers molds them to become independent lifelong learners.


he focal aim of this program is to allow Library clients acquire and develop the necessary degree of information literacy they need so that they will be able to become competent in their selected fields.

This program which can be accessed through the Library’s website is a comprehensive tool which guides a student in performing the research process effectively and efficiently. It answers the common queries of information seekers in a sequential manner, which are presented in modules, such as the formulation and manner of a research; search and refinement of search results; determination of sources of information, whether online or held by the libraries, and gathering; evaluation of the quality of information sources, such as identification of the latest, reliable and authoritative of information sources; selection of an appropriate citation and documentation style; and treatment and application of information ethically.

INFOFEED expects to augment library client’s awareness on the libraries’ facilities, information resources and services, increase visitors taking advantage of library programs/services, improve information literacy among students, allow students to utilize information resources and online search tools.

This practice will be one of the features under Reference and Information Services. Information literacy skills will be imparted in the course of orientations, individual consultations, class lectures, student group discussions, and workshops. The Infofeed Learning Lecture, whether by group or class, can be availed through submission of Reference and Information Services requests at least one week in advanced at the library; and for individual consultation, customers may approach the staff for one on one dialogue. Pamphlets to promote and disseminate the said program were also circulated. Visit or ask the Librarian on how to get involved on this program. #


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